VerseGroup, LLC

"VerseGroup" Privacy Policy

"SchoolVerse" is a software developed by "VerseGroup" for the purpose of providing a platform for students to manage all of their school related data in one place. The following policy outlines the privacy practices of "VerseGroup" & "SchoolVerse" and the security measures we take to protect your data. Your security and data privacy is our number one priority at "VerseGroup" & "SchoolVerse". The following privacy policy pertains all "VerseGroup" products and services including but not limited to "SchoolVerse" and "PeerTutor". For the following policies and notices, "sensitive" data is defined as your linked account credentials (the username and password you use to login to your school account) and "non-sensitive" is defined as any other data.

"VerseGroup" and "SchoolVerse" will not sell your data.

When you sign up to "SchoolVerse", you give use certain information voluntarily. This includes your
- Name
- Usernames
- Email addresses
- Grade level
- School name
- School account credentials
- Any other information you enter into the app (custom tasks, schedules, etc.)

We use this information to provide you with the best possible experience. "SchoolVerse" does not collect any payment information or payment-related information from users.

If you link your school account credentials we are able to access your school's student information system (of course only data given with the permission of of the school). For more information on how your school collects your data and permissions your school has given "SchoolVerse" or "VerseGroup", please contact your school or a member of the "VerseGroup" team (contact information below). Therefore, only approved schools can use "SchoolVerse" products.

This data from your school includes but is not limited to (given data is at the sole discretion of your school):
- Student names
- Student email addresses
- Student grades
- Student classes
- Student schedules
- Student assignments
- Student events
- Student sports
- Student clubs
- Student menus

The "SchoolVerse" software will not read your school data without your explicit permission given by linking your account to the software. "SchoolVerse" does not collect any "sensitive" information such as grades, transcripts, academic records or school reports even if given. "SchoolVerse" does not collect any information about your physical location.

We soley use this collected information to provide you with our "SchoolVerse" products and services. If reason occurs (such as a bug or a help request), the "VerseGroup" team may view your "non-sensitive" data with the sole purposes of continuing to provide the best possible experience and assist you in fixing the error and only with your explicit permission. "VerseGroup" cannot (because of end-to-end encryption) and will not view your "senstive" data (school account username and passwords).

Current schools that use "SchoolVerse" include but is not limited to:
- Hackley School (Hackley school administration authorized "VerseGroup" and "SchoolVerse" to read your school data with the sole purpose of providing you this software).

Security Information:
Your "sensitive" data is end-to-end encrypted, split across both your client device and our servers so that access to both your device and our servers is required. This means that even the "VerseGroup" development team does not have access to and cannot view your "sensitive" data (as someone would require both the client device, say your phone, and our server's database, a "Google" database, in order decrypt your information). Your "non-sensitive" data is secured in a "Google Firebase" database.

Deleting your data:
Signing out of "SchoolVerse" automatically deletes all of your "sensitive" data from your device, and therefore permanently unlinks your school account from "SchoolVerse" until you relink them. Deleting your "VerseGroup"/"SchoolVerse" account can be done by contacting a member of the "VerseGroup" team below, and this will delete all traces of your user data from our servers.

Other Information:
"SchoolVerse" does not use any third-party software or services to collect analytics on users. However, on a user bug, "Apple" and "Google" (Firebase) may collect analytics on your device on the bug in order to fix it. "SchoolVerse" does collect "non-sensitive" app usage information (such as number of function executions by user, grades of users, etc.) in order to improve and maintain the "SchoolVerse" service. "SchoolVerse" will have web views through the web application currently in development. "SchoolVerse" will have android views through the android application currently in development. "SchoolVerse" and "VerseGroup" products may contain links to other websites, and our software is not linked to these websites. For more information, view their posted privacy policies. "VerseGroup" products do not contain ads. "VerseGroup" may send emails about any "VerseGroup" products or services.

Children's Privacy:
All "SchoolVerse" and "VerseGroup" products are not intended for children under the age of 13. If you are under the age of 13, please do not use our products. If the "VerseGroup" team finds out that a child under the age of 13 is using our products, we will delete their account and data. If a parent, or guardian becomes aware of their child using our services, contact the "VerseGroup" team and they will immediately delete their account and data.

However, "VerseGroup" and "SchoolVerse" are not liable for your data, and you use our software at your own risk. We reserve the right to modify or amend this policy at any time; especially as the "SchoolVerse" and "VerseGroup" team continues to add new policies in order to ensure the future security and privacy of your data. "VerseGroup" will contact all users of changes to this policy. All changes to the policy are effective immediately once posted on this page.

"VerseGroup" and "SchoolVerse" will not sell your data. "VerseGroup" and "SchoolVerse" will not access your data without your explicit permission.

If you would like to view or delete your data, or have any questions, please contact a member of the "VerseGroup" team.

Contact Information:
Instagram: @schoolverse_app